The Baroness’ Fête au Bord de la Piscine en Latex—la Dernière Édition de la Saison—a Été un Succès

7 Septembre, 2024

(In English below)

Heureusement, le soleil est resté suffisamment présent pour que je puisse organiser mon dernier week-end de fête intime en latex à la piscine et à la salle de jeux. La pluie s’est maintenue jusqu’au dîner, que nous avons simplement déplacé à l’intérieur. Les chambres d’hôtes étaient toutes occupées. Ma vision du « Domaine de l’esprit » se concrétise lentement avec des invités du monde entier : Inde, Allemagne, États-Unis et toute la France.

Évidemment, ce sont les gens qui font la fête. Un grand merci aux kinksters qui croient en ma vision et veulent en faire partie ! Tout le monde a aidé en fonction de ses compétences : Le donjon est maintenant entièrement fonctionnel. Il dispose même d’une salle de bain complète, mais sans murs pour l’instant. Robin, fétichiste et constructeur de latex, a fourni des balles en plastique de taille humaine pour la piscine, ainsi que d’étranges engins en caoutchouc pour la fête d’après-dîner.

Le gardien s’occupait de la piscine et du terrain. Lady Thera, venue de New York pour être la maîtresse invitée, a été d’une aide inestimable ; elle a contribué à ce que tout se passe bien dans le manoir tout en documentant et en appréciant les festivités. Superpup s’est occupé de la nourriture.

Les 14 participants, impatients de faire partie de cette nouvelle communauté, sont arrivés habillés pour impressionner et prêts à jouer. Ils sont repartis avec de nouveaux amis et partenaires de jeu, et avec l’envie de participer aux événements de l’année prochaine !

J’ai entendu à plusieurs reprises que la France n’était pas un pays fétichiste et qu’il n’y avait rien de comparable à ce que je construisais ici. Merci à tous mes invités de m’avoir aidée à réaliser ce projet !

Fortunately it stayed sunny enough for my season finale “intimate latex-only pool and play party weekend”. The rain  held off until dinner, which we simply moved inside. It was a full house with guest rooms all occupied.  My vision of “La Domaine de L’esprit” is slowly coming to fruition with guests from around the world: India, Germany, the U.S., and all over France. 

Obviously it’s the people who make the party. Many thanks to the kinksters who believe in my vision and want to be a part of it! Everyone helped based on their skillset: The dungeon is now fully functional. It even has a full bathroom, though without walls for now. Fetishist and latex builder Robin provided human sized plastic balls for the pool along with bizarre rubber contraptions for the after-dinner play party.

The grounds-keep tended both pool and grounds. Lady Thera—who came from New York to be the guest mistress—was invaluable; she helped make everything run smoothly in the manoir while documenting and enjoying the festivities. Superpup helped with the food. 

All 14 attendees, eager to be a part of this new community, arrived dressed to impress and prepared to play. They left with new friends and play partners, and hungry for next year’s events!

I’ve repeatedly heard that France isn’t a fetish-type place and that there’s nothing like what I’m building here. Thanks to all my guests for your help in making this happen!

a Balloon Fetish Fantasy at My June Fetish Retinue

Balloons, Fetish Balloon Parties, Fetish Retinue, Fetish Retinue Party, Latex Clothing, Latex rubber fetish fashions clothing clothes, New York, New York City, The Baroness, dominant woman, fetish, fetish parties
Balloons at My June Fetish Retinue

Having a balloon fetish may have enhanced the experience of my June Fetish Retinue for some. But no fetish was necessary.

Loving colour and latex as I do, I have always fantasized about a room full of balloons: a sea of shiny, colourful,  latex orbs through which I could walk in my rubber ensembles.

At my Fetish Retinue parties I always like to see my guests playing in both adult and child ways. Apparently a back room full of balloons brings out the kid in all of us, as you can see!

A special thanks to Joe for providing hundreds of balloons and supervising my team of latex enthusiasts in blowing them all up. It was an evening that shall not be repeated and I’m so delighted to have balloon fetish photos!

Farewell to The Fetish Retinue

The evening of June 5th was both enchanting and bittersweet. The intimate Royal Amusements dinner was flawless—delicious food and gorgeous latex-clad guests! At 10pm, as we paraded through the New York streets on our way to the finale Fetish Retinue party, I felt anxious and a little melancholy, knowing that I was walking into the end of an era, and uncertain of what was to come.

The Baroness
It's Been Fun

Walking up the long staircase to White Noise, the sounds of revelry filled the air. I was delighted to find the club packed! The Fetish Retinue was truly getting the send-off it deserved.

It was an emotional evening as guests approached, asking if this was truly the last party and why, thanking me for 12 years of fetish parties, and telling tales of the fun and tortures they had over the past years. I took to the stage and made a short speech, thanking everyone. I said that with such a huge turn-out I was going to do another farewell party in September, and that drew laughs and loud cheers. Then I stepped into the throng and began to celebrate.

It wasn’t an easy decision to end The Fetish Retinue and I haven’t yet come up with any definite plans, but I do want to do something for my birthday at Halloween, so start thinking about your costumes!

After the party madness I needed a break, so we took a month-long road trip around the US, including some of Route 66, the Pacific Coast Highway, and several amazing national parks.

While fun, the trip was actually another project, this time a photo book: Mr. Mahj Goes West, featuring one of my cats. Look for it sometime next year. Photographer Mark McQueen has a few of the cat images on his blog.
